Andhra Pradesh Biodiversity Board
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Agro Diversity

AP Agro Biodiversity

Andhra Pradesh is virtual bio-reserve, which is unique both in terms of biodiversity and abundance. The six agro-climatic zones viz., North Coastal Zones, Southern Zone, Krishna Zone, Godavari Zone, Scarce rainfall zone, High altitude and Tribal areas of the state provide ample opportunities for growth across the sectors with diverse product choices for the farmers and the markets. Andhra Pradesh is having moderately huge agriculture crops biodiversity. The conservation and sustainable utilization is the need of the hour. The state represents one of the richest repositories of biodiversity in the whole of south and south East Asia due to varied topography from the hilly ranges of Eastern Ghats, the Nallamalais to the shores of Bay of Bengal. The major commercial crops are paddy, jowar, groundnut, tobacco, chillies, cotton, castor and sugarcane, while these and is a home to at least seven species of millets, 12 species of pulses, 6 species of oil seeds and each one of them sporting dozens of varieties (Table).

The State attained a prominent position in the country in Livestock Sector which is an integral part of agriculture sector. Andhra Pradesh has some of the richest livestock resources that take pride in the country in having famous and world renowned Livestock breeds like Ongole and Punganur in cattle, Godavari Buffaloes, Nellore in sheep and Aseel in poultry.

S. No
Category Family Scientific Name Common Name Telugu Name Landrace varieties
1 Food Crops: Cereals Poaceae Echinochloa colona Barnyard Millet Oodalu
2 Eleusine coracana Finger Millet Ragi
  • Dasara Chodi
  • Erra Chodi
  • Konda Chodi
  • Mandya
  • Vadu Mandya
  • Mettu Chodi
  • Nalla Chodi
  • Pallam Chodi
  • Pedda Chodi
  • Punasa Chodi
  • Tella Chodi
3 Oryza sativa Paddy Vari
  • Sanna Dhanyam
  • Erra Dhanyam
  • Tetem Dhanyam
  • Isuka ravvalu
  • Ganti Dhanyam
  • Nimma laaseri
  • Metta Dhanyam
  • Toka budama
  • Telupu budama
4 Panicum miliaceum Proso Millet Varigalu
5 Panicum miliare Little Millet Saamalu
  • Boddu sama
  • Bontha sama
  • Chimpiri sama
  • Goraka sama
  • Kola sama
  • Konda sama
  • Korra sama
  • LeLe buri sama
  • Lodda mami sama
  • Mamvi suvva
  • Mai sama
  • Nalla sama
  • Vooda sama
  • Pedda sama
  • Sama
  • Tella sama
6 Paspalum scrobiculatum Kodo Millet Aarikalu
7 Setaria italica Foxtail Millet Korra
  • Banda Korra
  • Bodi Korra
  • Erra Korra
  • Mudda Korra
  • Mulla Korra
  • Tella Korra
  • Vanki Korra
8 Pennisetum americanum Pearl Millett Sajja
  • Chinna ganti
  • Gantya
  • Konda ganti
  • Pedda ganti
  • Pitta ganti
9 Food crops: Pulses Fabaceae Cajanus cajan pigeon pea / Red Gram Millet Kandulu
  • Chinna biri kandi
  • Chiru kandi
  • Erra biri kandi
  • Erra chaara kandi
  • Erra kandi
  • Erra siri kandi
  • Konda kandi
  • Metta kandi
  • Nadipi kandi
  • Parimi kandi
  • Pedda kandi
  • Pedda konda kandi
  • Pedda siri kandi
  • Puredu kandi
  • Siri kandi
  • Tella chaara kandi
  • Tella kandi
10 Cicer arietinum Chickpea / Bengal Gram Shanagalu Kommu senaga
11 Macrotyloma uniflorum Horse gram Ulavalu
  • Nalla vulavalu
  • Tella ulavalu
12 Vigna mungo Urad / Black gram Minumulu / Uddulu
13 Vigna radiate Var.sublobata Moong / Green gram Pesalu
  • Birri
  • Pachcha pesalu
  • Pesalu
14 Food crops: Oil Seeds Astera-ceae Carthamus tinctorus Saff flower Kusumalu
15 Guizotia abyssinica Niger Verri nuvulu, Valiselu
16 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis Castor Amadamu
  • Amudamu
  • Chitti amudamu
  • Pedda amudamu
17 Euphorbiaceae Seasum indicum Gingelly / Seasame Nuvulu
  • Nalla nuvvulu
  • Tella nuvvulu
18 Commercial crops Malva-ceae Gossypium hirsutum Cotton Pathi
19 Hibiscus cannabinus Kenaf Gogu
19 Hibiscus sabdariffa Gogu
20 Poaceae Sacharum officinarum Sugarcane Cheruku