Andhra Pradesh Biodiversity Board
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Peoples Biodiversity Register

AP Peoples Biodiversity Register

People's Biodiversity Register (PBR) is a legal document that contains details of biological resources occurring within a BMC and contains associated knowledge as well. The PBR acts as a source of inventory of biological resources and knowledge and for benefit sharing purposes under the ABS component.

  • People's biodiversity register (PBR) contains comprehensive information on the availability and knowledge of local biological resources, medicinal or any other use or traditional knowledge associated with them.
  • The biodiversity management committees at the gram panchayat / mandalparishad, municipality / municipal corporation level shall facilitate preparation of PBRs.
  • Biological resources means plants, animals and micro organisms or parts thereof, their geneticmaterial and by-products (excluding value added products) with actual or potential use or value but does not include human genetic material.
  • The PBR is an important document in the legal arena as evidence of prior knowledge and a useful tool in the management and sustainable use of bioresources.

Download your PBR Register